BRIX 3000: Enzymatic gel for non-traumatic caries removal - PAPAIN
This gel BRIX 3000 is a dental product for non-traumatic caries treatment involving an enzymatic activity ( 3.000 U/mg*) in which the papain is bio-encapsulated by using EBE Technology (Encapsulating Buffer Emulsion).
Exclusive technology that immobilises and confers stability, which increases the enzymatic activity of the final product exponentially with respect to current technology.
Thus, the following is achieved: higher proteolysis effectiveness to remove collagen tissue in decayed tissue, less dissolution of active principle by oral fluids, greater resistance to storage even in unfavourable conditions, without requiring cold-chain preservation, and greater antibacterial and antifungal potency with an increase in antiseptic effect on tissue.
Brix3000 contains excipients authorized by ANMAT (Argentine Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Devices), thus ensuring high toxicological security.
3 Products of interest
► DENTAL CURING LIGHT: Woodpecker iLED Plus Light 2300 mw / cm2
► FUJI I: Glass ionomer luting cement
► DENTURE ADHESIVE: Cushion Grip - holds dentures up to 4 days
Brix 3000 holds dermatological certificates attesting to the non-toxicity of the product to mouth, skin or eyes, and demonstrating that it does not provoke any type of reactions when it comes into contact with healthy tissue.
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